Note: The highlighted elements are currently not available. Please consider reading the unhighlighted elements.
Hydrogen, being the main pioneer to the Periodic Table with an Atomic Number and Mass Number of 1, is quite
a common element that shares a lot of relationships with different elements. Having only one orbital/shell
and one valence electron, Hydrogen is very open to any relationships, both monogamic and polygamous relationships.
She is of the Alkali Metals but is not neccessarily a metal. She is placed in the 1st period, meaning
she can be available a lot. Hydrogen is, however, the lightest element with a staggering atomic mass of 1.
As stated earlier, her intramolecular forces allow her to hold polygamous relationships with other elements. With
Hydrogen bonding as her intermolecular force, she can hold relationships that last long and strong.
Hydrogen (or should I say Hydrogens) go(es) well with oxygen since together they create a covalent bond. This bond is a prime example of a "polygamous" relationship; two hydrogens bond with oxygen and together they create a liquid. In a covalent bond, elements share electrons, and thus they make time to spend with each other. In this case, oxygen will share one electron from each hydrogen atom respectively (oxygen is not quite the sharer)
to complete her valence shell.
Oxygen can be defined as "attractive" to electrons and in a molecule like H2O, most of the electrons will surround her over the hydrogen atoms. Thus, the hydrogen atoms each receive a net positive charge whilst the oxygen atom receives a net negative charge.
When Hydrogen creates a bond between Nitrogen, Oxygen or Fluorine, an intermolecular force called "Hydrogen Bonding" is formed. Hydrogen Bonding is one of the strongest types of intermolecular force. It occurs when Hydrogen (within a molecule) bonds with an element with a high electronegative value (within another molecule) such as the aforementioned elements above.
Since hydrogen is such an open-minded and generous element, other elements (both metal and nonmetal) have reportedly bonded with her. If you're an element that shares the open-minded mentality, the preferred electron configuration, and the intermolecular and intramolecular needs of hydrogen, be our guest and create an intramolecular and, hopefully, an intermolecular force with her!
Calcium is an alkali metal that has a unique atomic number of 11 and an atomic mass of 23. He has a narrower pool of relationships since he has the tendency to be picky.
Calcium has a total of 11 electrons and would not be as free as elements such as Hydrogen. He resides in period 3, meaning he has three valence shells. His weight
wouldn't be a problem though; he has a valency of one electron and can therefore share an easy and "giving" intramolecular relationship.
Continuing with the previous statement, calcium typically creates a metallic or ionic bond and can't create covalent bond. In an ionic bond, metals tend to "give" their valence electron(s) to the nonmetals that "take"
into their valence shells. This type of bond is a less ethical type of relationship but totally understandable (if that's what you're into, metals).
Calcium has an A-list relationship with Chlorine and together they create an ionic bond colloquially known as Salt. Chlorine is classified as a Halogen (group 7) and has a valency of seven electron shells.
Calcium's generous nature provides Chlorine with one electron for her to complete her valence shell into an octet. Calcium is totally brainwashed by Chlorine and will, with no hesitation, will provide her with an electron.
Aluminium is a metalloid (a metal that separates the metals from nonmetals) located in the third period. He is an element on the right side of the table that is still considered a male (although, deep inside, everyone knows he has homosexual tendencies). Aluminium has three valence electrons and three valence shells. He has an Atomic Number of 13 and a Mass Number of 27.
Aluminium is a good example of the intramolecular force called Metallic Bonding. He can bond with other metals within the metallic groups to create an alloy, a solid solution created by mixing two or more metals. He also has the ability to create a metallic bond with himself (or a clone of himself). These metallic bonds are very beneficial because not only are electrons shared but they are also free to move around the protons; at the same time, they give the substance a structure. Therefore, the melting and boiling points are high and a lot of energy will be needed to break such bonds between the electrons and the positive ions. In a way, you can call Aluminium and these metals "attached" not only chemically but also emotionally.
Aluminium is not very electronegative and in groups 1-3, the elements essentially turn into a positive ion since it would use less energy/be easier for them to lose 1-3 electrons rather than gain 5-7 electrons within a bond. They would rather give what they have rather than take what others have earned.
Most metallic bonds are equal in terms of electronegativity and thus they would be nonpolar. This is the reason why dipping metals into water will not make them dissolve; H2O's polarity is not strong enough to break the bonds between the protons and the electrons. This really defines how committed Aluminium is at keeping a relationship so strong.
In one word Aluminium is: Bisexual. He can create bonds with nonmetals but will not mind creating bonds with other metals and occasionally, by himself. He is not too heavy or dependent; in fact he is more likely to give than take in an intramolecular bond. A true gentleman; and at the same time, not a gentleman.
Chlorine is a Group 7 (halogen) element placed in period 3. Her Atomic Number is 17 and has a total of 17 electrons. She is very reactive and attractive (to Alkali Metals) simply because she has seven valence electrons ; she only needs one to fulfill her octet.
Oxygen works well with Group 1 (Alkali Metals) elements partly because they have one valence electron whilst she has seven. These Group 1 elements will essentially give their lone electron to a Group 7 electron without having to create polygamous relationships. An example of this would be NaCl; Sodium Chloride, otherwise known as Salt, is a famous example of an ionic compound. A Sodium atom will give his electron to Chlorine and together they form a brittle, crystal-like solid.
Since she is a sister of Fluorine, her electronegativity is also within the top ranks. Since the aforementioned compound NaCl (Sodium Chloride) has a large difference in electronegativity (difference is 1.5 or higher), the molecule is polar and each of the atoms (with their respective net positive and net negative charge) will disperse with H2O and thus, the chemical formula will turn into H2O + NaCl.
The intermolecular forces that act within NaCl are ionic and dispersion. However, the ionic forces are stronger within the molecule whilst the dispersion forces can only occur within a split second, right when the molecules are frozen.
Chlorine may be attractive, but she can be very reactive and sometimes even toxic. But do not fear, for she is very to please with her valency.